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Camille Pierson

Coach and Managing Director

The Float Spa

How difficult is it to make changes in our lives to prioritise our own wellbeing? Personal wellbeing has slid down the priority list for many people in our modern society to our detriment. After Camille Pierson learned this fact the hard way, she changed her life to put wellbeing at the forefront of everything she does in her business as well as her personal life. After spending years as a marketing professional, Camille moved away from the corporate world to found The Float Spa, a multi award winning health and wellness spa offering floatation therapy, yoga classes, massage, an infrared sauna and other complementary therapies. With the success of The Float Spa – starting from nothing and leading to a clientele of over 24,000 people and Camille being invited to the House of Lords – and everything Camille has learned through running it and immersing herself in the wellbeing world, she now wants to help people make the changes in their life they need to be happier, healthier and more fulfilled. Change can be hard and bad habits hard to break so Camille has trained at the College of Naturopathic Medicine as a Health Coach , in CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), Behavioural Science, Habit Coaching and Meditation to help people focus on forming good habits to achieve their health, wellbeing and fitness aspirations. She offers group workshops and one to one coaching to support her clients in making very small easy changes which add up to a huge impact on their health, fitness and happiness. In her spare time Camille can be found running the streets of Brighton and Hove, swimming in the sea and cycling the South Downs. Camille is a keen triathlete and is training for an Ironman.

Member Offer: 10% on float & sauna sessions at float spa.

Camille Pierson
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