This is it, this is the next big step. You’ve had the idea, you’ve got the faith that it’s going to work, this is where you go all in . . . whether that’s giving up the day job or setting up your business in parallel.

Move on to a year or two later and everyone’s asking how it’s going? And the implied question is – is it a success yet?!
The truth . . . the truth is that it’s progressing, you’re not quite where you want to be, it’s not a success yet. However it’s hard having to say that, sometimes it’s hard thinking it, in fact most of the time you just say “it’s getting there”
And the reason? Because no-one sees the amount of work that goes on in the background. Heck, before you started you had no idea how much work goes into setting up a business. How you need to become skilled in oh so many unrelated and expected things – from choosing your branding, to social media, to trademarking, to interpreting your P&L.
It’s a lot, and it takes up a lot of time, and all around you are people who look like they are crushing it while your sales pipeline is slowly building – just not as quickly as you first thought that it would because it takes time to do all the building stuff. Time to learn new things, time to make so many decisions, time to work out the way it works for you specifically.
So if you’re in this stage, this is a reminder, that you are not alone. There are many people around you who are frantically learning as they go, who are still building their businesses up to be sustainable, who are going to be part of your wave of success. The key thing is to remember to enjoy the ride.